Mitja Krajnc
Zakaj je 6. julij 2024 pomemben za članice EU?
Države članice EU morajo do 6. julija 2024 vključiti direktivo o poročanju o trajnostnem razvoju
Špela Štrancar
Razlika med ESRS in GRI standardi
Besedilo obravnava razliko med Globalnimi standardi poročanja (v nadaljevanju GRI) in Evropskimi standardi poročanja o
Mitja Krajnc
Linking map partner ESRS programske opreme SmartHead
Sustainable and non-financial reporting using the SmartHead platform. Stay tuned for more updates
Mitja Krajnc
From 2024 onwards, companies will have to report according to ESRS standards
Covered companies must now prepare for improved sustainability reporting as it is European
Žiga Čož
Sustainable Management and Reporting for an effective green transition of companies
This article describes how LCA analysis can help improve brand reputation and image.
Mitja Krajnc
Approaching Sustainability Reporting: Steps to a Responsible Future
The approach to sustainable reporting is a process that requires a comprehensive understanding of the organization and its role in society
Mitja Krajnc
LCA analysis and additional points in tenders
In addition to banks, European tenders are increasingly taking into account the sustainable practices of companies. The European Union is strong
Mitja Krajnc
LCA analysis and green bank financing
This article describes how LCA analysis affects obtaining financing from banks and Europeans