Digitalizacija trajnosti

We are an official partner of certified ESRS software. It is cloud-based software that helps companies manage, monitor and report on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.

The platform enables companies of all sizes to collect data on their sustainability activities, track progress towards goals and independently generate comprehensive sustainability reports that can be easily shared with stakeholders such as employees, regulators, investors and the general public.

Sustainable management

for an efficient green transition of companies
Centralizacija vseh vaših dejavnosti omogoča veliko preprostejše merjenje vašega trajnostnega napredka. Poleg tega boste zmanjšali stroške trajnostnega korporativnega upravljanja in poročanja.


Vodili vas bomo skozi 6-stopenjski postopek ocene dvojne pomembnosti, ki ga boste tudi dokumentirali za potrebe revizije.


Programska oprema za upravljanje podatkov in poročanje v skladu s predpisi in okviri GRI, ISO 26000, NFRD, CSRD, SCDDA, SFDR.


Make sure your sustainability results are easily accessible to all your stakeholders and establish lasting collaboration with them.


XBRL označevanje poročila je obvezno in lahko predstavlja izziv za podjetje. S SmartHead so vse podatkovne točke označene skladno z zakonskimi zahtevami.


Izračunajte svoje emisije CO2 s kalkulatorjem emisij toplogrednih plinov, ki nudi informacije o uporabljenih emisijskih faktorjih in naborih podatkov za namene revizije.


Manage data at the regional branch level and consolidate it at the group level.

Trajnostno poročanje

Businesses must prepare for improved sustainability reporting as the European Commission (EC) has published the final text of its first set of twelve European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). For the first wave of companies, disclosures will be required as early as the 2024 reporting period.

Interest in the sustainability reports of companies and organizations has grown tremendously in recent years and will grow even more in the future. More and more buyers and consumers are also deciding to buy based on sustainability indicators.

One of the main factors is the increased expectations of stakeholders regarding transparency and accountability in the performance of sustainable development of companies. Investors, customers and other interested parties are increasingly looking for information about a company's sustainability performance and using this information to make investment, purchase and other decisions.

An important driver is the growing recognition of risks and opportunities related to sustainability issues. Climate change, resource scarcity, human rights abuses and other sustainability challenges can significantly affect a company's operations, reputation and long-term value. Non-financial reporting can help companies identify and manage these risks and take advantage of sustainability-related opportunities.

Sustainable disclosure is also encouraged by legislation, including the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the Taxonomy Regulation (on which the EU Sustainable Finance Strategy is based). As a result of these two regulations, asset managers and financial advisors require more sustainability information from investee companies.

Trajnostno ESRS Poročanje
Trajnostno ESRS Poročanje

Impacts of Sustainable Management

Digitization of sustainable management represents a key innovation in the modern business environment. With proper implementation, the digitization of sustainable management contributes to the long-term success of companies and the sustainable development of society.

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